Image of carer helping young people with homework.

Real Pebbles Stories

This is where the voices of our children and young people are shared, alongside their wonderful stories of positive outcomes.

Inspiring words from our young people

Thank you for your love, trust, support, patience, care, and being a rock for me.

Pebbles gave me a chance when no-one else would. The team at Kyllimoons have become my family and I am forever grateful for the love and support they have given me.

I had the best Christmas ever!

I feel well supported, especially emotionally, and this is important.

Pebbles are amazing, understanding, and never let us down.

Thanks for helping me see the good in myself.

Encouraging words from social workers, family members, and partners

I cannot fault the placement; Pebbles’ team truly understands the task and executes their work well. My young person has grown and developed into a more confident young lady due to the work put in place by all the team.

A., Social Worker

The home is brilliant; I am really happy with the care that M. receives.


I am kept up to date with good communication, family contact is facilitated, and J. is now in education. The placement is fantastic, and it is not often that I say this.

B., Social Worker

I think that Pebbles is outstanding, quite honestly.

K., Social Worker

I am more than happy with the care S. is receiving. The team is meeting his needs and managing him in a way I have never seen before. Previous placements have failed for S. and it’s so nice to see him settled again. The deputy manager has built up an excellent relationship with S. and I feel he has had a massive positive impact on him, becoming an excellent male role model. S. spends time with him doing ‘boy stuff’, which is very important considering S. has an absent father. All the team members are wonderful. The home manager has been friendly and welcoming. She always keeps me in the loop and has a pleasant attitude towards S. and her team.

D., Social Worker

Pebbles’ team communicates well with me and provides regular progress updates. Everyone at the home works collaboratively with the placing authority to implement safety plans. There are no areas where the home could improve.

C., Social Worker

The team at South Lodge showed compassion and skill at managing the young person, which was exceptional considering the short nature of time as such they had worked with her.

D., Social Worker

Teaching approaches are underpinned by positive relationships and well considered interventions to support young people in their learning. Pebbles’ teaching team knows young people well and understands when they need additional support and encouragement.

Education Scotland

I would place any of my children at Pebbles.

F., Social Worker

The care and compassion at the home are brilliant. They are perfect at using distraction techniques with D. and they are more than capable of caring for her. D. feels valued as a result. Risks have been reduced thanks to the excellent communication and the commitment and care that are second to none.

Independent Reviewing Officer

I have been impressed by the care and communication that is received for my young person. They reassure her and meet her needs, as well as try to promote positive activities and engagement from her continually.

K., Social Worker
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