Spring has Sprung at Stoneraise

At Pebbles it’s so important that our children and young people have the opportunity to get involved in a wide range of activities both within and outside the home to make their time with us as enjoyable, progressive and memorable as possible.

The wide range of interesting activities that our Pebbles family at Stoneraise have been getting involved in is a fantastic example of how our teams achieve this for all of our young people.

Hatching Chicks

One very exciting and festive activity that has been taking place at Stoneraise is that the young people have been taking care of eggs which have now hatched into chicks. The young people placed their eggs into an incubator in the home where they were watched over very carefully until the exciting time came of them hatching into little spring chicks. Stoneraise welcomed four baby chicks to the home over Easter weekend. Now the chicks are being looked after in the home until they are a little older when they will be given to the local farmer. This project has been a super exciting and memorable experience for the young people at Stoneraise and has allowed them to practice being patient, gentle, caring and organised to ensure that the chicks have been looked after properly.

Chicks aren’t the only animals the young people have been around recently either, the young people have also been spending time playing with and learning how to look after some young goats and lambs.

Easter Treats

As if chicks and lambs weren’t providing enough of an Easter feeling around Stoneraise, the young people were greeted with lots of tasty treats and surprises from the Easter Bunny when they woke up on Easter morning. These treats brought lots of excitement to the house that weekend with the care team and young people feeling like one big family celebrating Easter together.

Spring Cleaning

Stoneraise have taken spring cleaning to a whole new level with their recent revamp of the home. The young people have been helping to pick out items and decorate the home’s living room area with new paint, carpets, sofas and more. This has made the home feel even more homely, comforting and refreshed which has been really noticed by all the young people, staff and even external visitors such as Ofsted.

Plans for the Future

The renovations at Stoneraise will continue into the summer where plans have been led by the young people to repurpose space they have above the garage into a sensory room, providing a calming environment for the young people to spend time in. There are also plans to work on an in-house cinema which everyone is so excited to see.

We are so proud of the work the team at Stoneraise has put into creating an inclusive and cosy home that all of the young people have had a say in and can’t wait to see what they do next!

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