Remembrance Day - Saluting Our Heroes at Pebbles

This Remembrance Day, we stand together in honouring and expressing our deep gratitude to the servicemen and women who have selflessly dedicated their lives to protect and serve our nation. We also celebrate our colleagues who have transitioned from the armed forces to become integral members of our Pebbles family.

At Pebbles, we take immense pride in the diverse talents and experiences our team brings, and our ex-servicemen and women are no exception. Their career journeys are testament to the incredible skills and values instilled during their time in service.

Luke Chadwick, Area Manager, said,

“Joining the Army at 17 was huge decision for me, but one that I have never regretted. It’s something that I value more than most things and it brings me a huge sense of pride, especially during this time of year, at a time of reflection.”

Jade Vallantine, Quality Improvement Manager, also shared her experience,

“My entry into the British armed services was to shape a very lively young adult who, safe to say, felt out of place and required some tweaking to fit into society. The military taught me a lot about who I can be as a person, provided me with a sense of pride and belonging and they made use of my ‘rusty’ edges, shaping me as a person.”

The experiences and skills gained while serving in the forces have proven invaluable in shaping our colleagues into leaders within our organisation. The discipline, resilience and commitment instilled in them during their service have become the foundation upon which they’ve built success at Pebbles.

Jade discussed her transition into civilian life,

“When I left the armed forces, I knew at this stage I was ready to support others with the principles that I had learned from the military. That foundation provided me with the drive to motivate vulnerable groups to believe that they do belong.”

“Today I am very proud of who I am, what I achieved in the British armed forces and where I came from, and my background story is my drive to promote and encourage all of the children and young people in my care to understand that they have an army of support.”

Tracey, Learning and Development Manager, added,

“Being in the services is more of a way of life than a job and has taught me the importance of being supportive and empathic of others. It has instilled a sense of pride and integrity that continues throughout whichever role I have been in since the end of my service. Important skills such as being organised, methodical and having a good eye for detail have been invaluable in my role at Pebbles.”

The dedication and passion of our ex-forces colleagues has had a profound impact on the children and young people in our care. With a unique ability to relate and understand, they inspire growth and resilience, and instil a sense of pride in the children and young people they support.

Luke shared how the transferable skills gained during his time in service have helped him create an environment where young people can flourish at Pebbles,

“The Army taught me how to remain calm, think logically and deliver solutions under pressure. Something that I feel is vital within my role and within the residential homes we work within. Albeit, in Afghanistan and Iraq, the pressure was from a far different source.”

“Being in the Army is like being in a giant family. This is something that I try to create at Pebbles within my role, within my area and within the organisation. Replicating that sense of belonging and togetherness that I felt and still feel to this day. The homes we have are like families, each with their own quirks. Being in the Army showed me that no matter what walk of life you are from, you are all equal and have individual strengths. It is important to not only recognise these, but celebrate them together, as a unit – as a family!”

Together, as a Pebbles family, we honour, remember, and express our deepest gratitude to those who have served and continue to serve.


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